Academic News
- Ned P. Smith Receives Champion of AOS Award
- Thomas Vonder Haar Receives AOS Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement
- Claire Pettersen Receives AOS Early Career Alumni Award
- Virtual AOS Prospective Graduate Student Info Session
- Ankur Desai Named CCR Assistant Director
- Field of Dreams … and Solar Panels
- Elizabeth Maroon Receives NSF CAREER Award
- Tristan L’Ecuyer Elected as AMS Fellow
- STORM REU Program Provides Research Opportunities for Undergraduate Students
- New Faculty at AOS
- Call for Nominations - Alumni Engagement Board
- Out to Sea Aboard an AEROSE Research Cruise
- Hannah Zanowski Receives Research Forward Award
- ‘Climate Trackers – Superpowered by Ecometeorology’ Shows the Power of Combinations and Collaborations
- New Field Campaign to Study Snow Processes at Remote Mountain Laboratory in Colorado
- 2024 AOS Department Awards
- 13th Annual Leonard Robock Lecture Speaker Is Dr. Chris Bretherton
- Hannah Zanowski Receives Exceptional Service Award
- Q&A with Evan Meeker
- Can Farmland be Used to Mitigate Climate Change?
- Visit the AOS Building in This Video Game
- Tom Skilling receives AOS Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement
- Come Join Our Team! AOS Is Hiring a Full-Time Faculty Member
- Grant Petty Receives AMS Award
- Steve Ackerman to Retire in September
- STORM Program Receives NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site Award
- AOS Faculty and Adjunct Faculty Receive Research Forward Awards
- Ángel Adames-Corraliza Receives NSF CAREER Award
- Call for Nominations - Alumni Engagement Board
- Anastasia Tomanek Awarded 2023 AMS Women in Science Scholarship
- 2023 AOS Department Awards
- Undergraduate Advisor position
- Q & A – Meet Hannah Zanowski
- Dr. Tom Koehler Retirement
- AOS Alum Gerald (Jerry) Dittberner Passes at Age 81
- Dr. Bette L. Otto-Bliesner receives the department’s Distinguished Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement
- UW-AOS's Tracey Holloway elected to National Academy of Medicine
- Ankur Desai Receives 2022 AGU Joanne Simpson Medal
- 11th Annual Robock Lecture Series To Feature Dr. Lance Bosart of SUNY
- AOS Alum Alan Robock Receives the 2022 Future of Life Award
- Welcome to new UW-AOS Communications student Olivia Goins
- Requesting Alumni Board nominations
- Lecturer position for AOS 340, Spring, 2022 available
- Tristian L'Ecuyer Named 2021 CSU Outstanding Alum
- William L. Smith Sr. receives UW-AOS Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement
- Planetary Astrochemistry - Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor
- AOS Department Awards 2021
- We're hiring a Department Administrator
- 2020 AOS Department Awards
- 2020 AOS Graduation Ceremony
- NetworkAtHome project
- AOS Undergraduate Nicolas Gordillo Published
- December Monthly Highlight- What We've Done This Semester
- UW-Madison AOS selected as AGU Bridge Program Partner
- November Monthly Highlight- Special Shoutouts
- October Monthly Highlight- Halloween Forecast
- Polar Climate Modeler-Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor
- Pete Pokrandt Awarded 2019 Unidata Russell DeSouza Award
- August Monthly Highlight- Welcome Back
- Edwin Eloranta Awarded ILRC Lifetime Achievement Award
- Welcome Dr. Angela Rowe
- Welcome Stephanie Henderson
- Professor Back to partake in OTREC field campaign
- Professor Desai Named Reid Bryson Chair
- CHEESEHEAD Field Campaign Underway
- 2019 Graduation Photos
- Student Awards 2019
- Requesting Alumni Board nominations
- Terry Kelly receives UW-AOS Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement
- AOS Professor and alumni elected AMS Fellows
- We're hiring an assistant/associate professor!
- Student Awards 2018
- Tristan L'Ecuyer Selected as a 2018 Romnes Fellow
- Dan Vimont, 2018 Vilas Associates Award Recipient