AOS Department Awards 2021
April 30, 2021The AOS department would like to recognize the recipients of 2020’s departmental awards.
The ceremony was led by Professor Michael Morgan.
AOS Depatment Distinguished Alumni award - John Kutzbach
Sunkel Award for exceptional scholarly potential as an AOS undergraduate student - Nate Falkinham
Lettau-Wahl Award for excellent performance as an AOS undergraduate student- Jack Richter
Horn Award for excellence in overall performance as an AOS undergraduate student - Grant Gilcrease
Lettau Award for a significant and original Masters Thesis reflecting her creativity and independence - Maggie Bruckner
Schwerdtfeger Award for academic excellence in the first year of graduate studies - Ian Beckley
Schwerdtfeger Award for academic excellence in the first year of graduate studies - Ian Cornejo
All Awards Ceremony attendees