OCEANIC SCIENCES 910- Section 1:
Climate Present and Past:
A synoptic climatology view
  (1 credit)


Spring 2003


Lecture Notes

Jan 23 Climate defined

‑ Input: insolation, turbidity, albedo

‑ output: gases, clouds, aerosols etc.


Bryson, R. A., 1968: ... All Other Factors Being Constant'...A Reconciliation of Several

             Theories of Climatic Change," Weatherwise, 21(2):56‑61.

Bryson, R.A., 1997: "The paradigm of climatology: an essay." Bulletin of the


American Meteorological Society 78(3):449‑455.


Jan 30 Airstream Climatology

‑ air masses as stages in airstreams

‑ multimodal data

‑ nonstationarity


Bryson, R.A., 1966: "Air masses, Streamlines and the Boreal


Forest",‑Geographical Bulletin (Canada) 8:228‑269.


Feb 6 Airstream Climatology

‑ monsoons and the ITC

‑ montane climates, coastal climates


Feb 13 Natural regions and seasons, singularities


Feb 20 Climate change‑ evidence


Bryson, R.A. and A.M Swain, 1981: "Holocene Variations of Monsoon


Rainfall in Rajasthan." Quaternary Research 16:135‑145.


Feb 27 Climate change‑ evidence, proxy interpretation


Mar 6 RAB in OAXACA‑ Climate change‑ evidence Mr. Ruter


Mar 13 Causes of change, hypotheses




Mar 27 Global change times, global synchroneity


Refs: Wendland, W. M. and R.A. Bryson, 1974: "Dating Climatic Episodes of the Holocene." Quaternary Research 4:9‑24.


Apr 3 Climate and people


Bryson, Reid A., and Robert U. Bryson


1997 High Resolution Simulations of Regional Holocene Climate: North Africa and the Near East. In Third Millennium BC Climate Change and Old World Collapse, edited by H.N. Dalfes, G. Kukla, and H. Weiss, pp. 565‑593. NATO ASI Series, Vol. 149, Springer‑Verlag, Berlin.


Apr 10 Modeling Climate Lab, Intro to Archaeoclimatology.


Apr 17 RAB in Central Asia Modeling Climate Lab Dr. Arzt


Apr 24 RAB in Central Asia Modeling Climate Lab Dr. Arzt


May 1 RAB in Central Asia Modeling Climate Lab Dr. Arzt


May 8 RAB in Central Asia Modeling Climate Lab Dr. Arzt


May 15 Summary. Last day. Papers due The student will be expected to turn in a paper on some aspect of the material taught in the seminar. Normally this would be focussed on some model from the lab work, and whether it is right, wrong or what, and what it means about the past or future. Other topics may be chosen by earlier discussions with Prof. Bryson.


Other reading for fun and information.


.Bryson, R. A. and T. J. Murray, 1977: CLIMATES OF HUNGER, University of Wisconsin Press, June 1977. 171 p. Translated into Chinese, Spanish & Japanese.


Bryson, R. A. and G. J. Dittberner, 1976: "A Non‑Equilibrium Model of Hemispheric Mean Surface Temperatures," Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 33(11):2094‑2106.


Bryson, R. A. and A. M. Swain, 198 1: "Holocene Variations of Monsoon Rainfall in Rajasthan," Quaternary Research 16(2):135‑145.


Bryson, R.A. and V. Mitchell, 1986: "Fundamental Large Scale Spatial Structure of Mean Precipitation in the Montane United States: Technique," In Proc. of International Symposium on the Qinghai‑Xizang Plateau and Mountain Meteorology, Beijing, China, May 20‑24, 1984. pp.561­579.


Bryson, R.A., 1986: "Airstream Climatology of Asia," In Proc. of International Symposium on the Qinghai‑Xizang Plateau and Mountain Meteorology, Beijing, China, May 20‑24, 1984. pp. 604‑619.


LaFontaine, C.V., R.A. Bryson and W.M. Wendland, 1990: "Airstream Regions of North Africa and the Mediterranean", Jour. Climate 3(3):366‑372.


Bryson, R.A., 2000: "Typhoon Forecasting 1944, or the Making of a Cynic", Bulletin Amer. Meteor. Sec. 81:2393‑2397

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Last revision: 23 January 2003 (1830 UTC)

Produced by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D. for Reid A. Bryson, Ph.D.
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI 53706



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