Name list of Tropical Storms and Typhoons (Hurricanes):

Western North Pacific
(North Pacific west of 180°)

Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Guam

Set 1    Set 2     Set 3      Set 4

Ann      Abel      Amber      Alex            
Bart     Beth      Bing       Babs            
Dam      Carlo     Cass       Chip            
Dan      Dale      David      Dawn            
Eve      Ernie     Ella       Elvis            
Frankie  Fem       Fritz      Faith            
Gloria   Greg      Ginger     Gil            
Herb     Hanna     Hank       Hilda            
Ian      Isa       Ivan       Iris            
Joy      Jimmy     Joan       Jacob            
Kirk     Kellv     Keith      Kate            
Lisa     Lei       Linda      Leo            
Marty    Marie     Mort       Maggie            
Niki     Nestor    Nichole    Neil            
Orson    Opal      Otto       Olga            
Piper    Peter     Penny      Paul            
Rick     Rosie     Rex        Rachel            
Sally    Scott     Stella     Sam            
Tom      Tina      Todd       Tanya            
Violet   Victor    Vicki      Virgil            
Willie   Winnie    Waldo      Wendy            
Yates    Yule      Yanni      York            
Zane     Zita      Zeb        Zina

Retired names

Mike (1990)      
Mireielle (1992)      
Thelma (1992)      
Omar (1 992)

Courtesy of Chris Bovitz, 1996

Last revision 8 July 1996

Maintained by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D.
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI 53706

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