Tuesday, 4 May 1998
UPPER AIR -- The 500 mb constant pressure chart for 00Z
TEMPERATURE EXTREMES IN THE LOWER 48 -- The lowest temperature
in the lower 48 states on Monday was XX degrees at XXX, while
Monday's highest temperature was XX degrees at XXX.
The lowest overnight temperature in the state as of Monday was
XX degrees below zero at XXX. The highest midafternoon temperature
in Alaska was XX degrees at XXX.
HAWAIIAN WEATHER -- A high pressure cell that was situated
to the northwest of Hawaii on late Monday afternoon was expected
to migrate eastward as a nearly stationary low pressure system
in the Eastern Pacific moves toward the California coast. As a
result, the northeast trade winds are expected to strengthen to
20 mph by midweek.
From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas City,
MO and Intellicast
- ...1812...A storm produced snow from Philadelphia to Maine.
A foot of snow fell near Keene, NH, and in Massachusetts, nine
inches fell at Waltham, located near Boston. (David Ludlum)
- ...1917...A late season snowstorm in northwest Texas produced
up to eight inches of snow in Potter County and Armstrong County.
(David Ludlum)
- ...1922...Austin, TX was hit twice by tornadoes which struck
within thirty minutes of each other. The first, referred in local
newspapers as the "western cloud", was F2 in intensity
and injured 5 people. The second (eastern cloud) was far more
damaging as it killed 12, injured 50, and did $500,000 in damage.
This tornado was a F4 on the Fujita Scale. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1977...A tornado 500 yards in width struck Pleasant Hill,
MO severely damaging the high school and grade school. Only minor
injuries were reported among the more than 1000 teaches and students
due to excellent warnings and prior tornado drills. (The Weather
- ...1978...An F3 tornado moved in from the Gulf of Mexico and
tore a path of devastation through the High Point Section of Pinellas
County in Florida. The path length was only 1.5 miles but 3 people
were killed, 94 were injured, and damages totaled $43 million.
- ...1987...Thunderstorms produced severe weather in the southeastern
U.S., with South Carolina hardest hit. Thunderstorm winds toppled
trees seventy feet high in Spartanburg County, SC, and knocked
homes off their foundations near Bishopville, SC, while downpours
deluged Gadsden, AL with an inch of rain in just a matter of minutes
and produced more than 4 inches in half an hour.. (Storm Data)
(The National Weather Summary) (Intellicast)
- ...1988...Thunderstorms produced large hail in North Carolina,
but brought welcome rains to much of the rest of the eastern U.S.
Residents of New England finally saw sunshine after about a week
of clouds and rain. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1989...Thunderstorms produced severe weather in the Southern
Plains Region and the Lower Mississippi Valley. Thunderstorms
spawned fifteen tornadoes, and there were 340 reports of large
hail and damaging winds. Hail three inches in diameter, and 9.39
inches of rain, resulted in more than 130 million dollars damage
at Monroe, LA. Reports of continuous lightning displays were widespread.
Thunderstorm winds gusted to 100 mph at Epps, LA and Fort Worth,
TX. A thunderstorm north of Mineral Wells, TX produced high winds
which unroofed a nightclub, turning it into a "topless club".
(The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1990...Thunderstorms produced severe weather from the Lower
Ohio Valley to Virginia and the Carolinas. A tornado at Augusta
Springs, VA killed two people and injured ten others, and another
tornado caused 1.7 million dollars damage at Colonial Heights,
VA. Temperatures soared into the 90s in northern California. The
high of 98 degrees in downtown Sacramento was their hottest reading
of record for so early in the season. (The National Weather Summary)
(Storm Data)
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email
© Copyright, 1999, The American Meteorological Society.