Friday, 23 April 1999
TORNADO SEASON -- Statistics from the Storm Prediction
Center (SPC) at Norman, OK. Preliminary statistics from The SPC Monthly Statistics shows
Other tornado and severe weather information can be obtained from
UPPER AIR -- The 300 mb chart for 00 Z Friday showed .
lowest temperature on Thursday was XX degrees at XXX. Thursday's
high was XX degrees at XXX.
Alaska's lowest overnight temperature as of Thursday was XX degrees
below zero at XXX. The state's midafternoon highest temperature
was XX degrees at XXX.
From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas City,
MO and Intellicast
- ...1885...The city of Denver, CO was in the midst of a storm
which produced 23 inches of snow in 24 hours, and at Idaho Springs,
CO produced 32 inches of snow. (David Ludlum)
- ...1910...The temperature at the Civic Center in Los Angeles,
CA hit 100 degrees to establish an April record for the city.
(The Weather Channel)
- ...1983...A mini-blizzard produced sixteen inches of snow
at Laramie, WY, including a foot of snow in just eight hours during
the night. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1986...Light snow fell in Norfolk, VA, marking the latest
date that snow has ever been observed in Norfolk since records
began in 1874. (Intellicast)
- ...1987...Thunderstorms in the Atlantic Coast Region produced
golf ball size hail and wind gusts to 67 mph at Anderson, SC.
The high winds destroyed two planes at the airport, and the large
hail damaged fifty other planes, and severely damaged twenty-three
greenhouses. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1988...An intense winter-like storm brought thunderstorms
to southern California, and produced snow in some of the higher
elevations. Nine girls at Tustin, CA were injured when lightning
struck the tree under which their softball team had taken shelter
from the rain. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1989...Salina, KS was the hot spot in the nation with a
high of 105 degrees. The high of 105 degrees established an April
record for the state of Kansas. A total of eighteen cities in
the central U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date.
(The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data) (The Weather Channel)
A single thunderstorm produced 17 tornadoes over a relatively
small area along the Kansas-Nebraska border over a period of 2.5
hours. As many as 4 tornadoes were observed on the ground at the
same time in Phillips County, Kansas. (Intellicast)
- ...1990...Thunderstorms produced severe weather in West Texas
and western Oklahoma. Thunderstorms produced tennis ball size
hail at Lake McKenzie, TX and at Garden City, TX, and produced
wind gusts to 90 mph at Gage, OK. Thunderstorms drenched southeast
Minnesota with heavy rain, with 6.6 inches reported northwest
of Browndale. High temperatures were mostly in the 80s across
the central U.S. The morning low of 67 degrees at Fargo, ND and
afternoon high of 91 degrees were both records for the date. (Storm
Data) (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1993...A coastal storm dumped big late season snows across
central and northeastern New York. Two day snowfall totals included
22 inches at Malone, 19.2 inches at Tully, 19 inches at Ellenburg
Depot, and 10.3 inches at Binghamton. (Intellicast)
- ...1996... One inch of snow on this day at Cleveland, OH brought
its seasonal snowfall to 101.1 inches -- the city snowiest winter
ever. The old record was 100.5 inches set in 1981-82. (Intellicast)
24 April
- ...1899...Two women and one son lived to tell the story of
being picked up by a tornado and carried more than a fourth of
a mile, flying far above the church steeples, before being gently
set down again. The young boy and one of the ladies said they
had the pleasure of flying alongside a horse. The horse "kicked
and struggled" as it flew high above, and was set down unharmed
about a mile away. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1908...Severe thunderstorms spawned eighteen tornadoes
over across the Central Gulf Coast States claiming the lives of
310 persons. Three F4 tornadoes accounted for most of the deaths
and damage. The state of Mississippi was hardest hit. A tornado
near Hattiesburg, MS killed 143 persons and caused more than half
a million dollars damage. Four violent tornadoes accounted for
279 of the 310 deaths. The deadliest of the four tornadoes swelled
to a width of 2.5 miles as it passed near Amite, LA. The tornado
also leveled most of Purvis, MS, as only 7 of the 150 houses in
town were left standing. (David Ludlum) (The Weather Channel)
- ...1987...Showers and thunderstorms produced heavy rain in
the Middle Atlantic Coast Region. Up to seven inches of rain drenched
Virginia in three days. Morgantown, WV received 4.27 inches in
24 hours, and flooding was reported in south central West Virginia.
(The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1988...Low pressure produced high winds and severe thunderstorms
in the Southern Plains Region. Strong thunderstorm winds destroyed
two mobile homes at Whitt, TX injuring two persons. Winds associated
with the low pressure system gusted to 70 mph at Guadalupe Pass,
TX. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1989...Twenty cities in the central U.S. reported record
high temperatures for the date. Russell, KS was the hot spot in
the nation with a reading of 101 degrees. Evening thunderstorms
produced severe weather from Colorado to Wisconsin. Hail four
and a half inches in diameter was reported at Sargeant, NE. (The
National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1990...Thunderstorms produced severe weather from the Southern
High Plains to north central Kansas. Thunderstorms spawned ten
tornadoes, including one which injured four persons and caused
1.5 million dollars damage at Shattuck, OK. Thunderstorms also
produced softball size hail at Wheeler, TX, wind gusts to 85 mph
southwest of Arnett, OK, and 13.45 inches of rain near Caldwell,
TX, which resulted in the worst flooding in recent memory for
that area. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1993...An F4 tornado struck Tulsa and Catoosa, OK. Seven
people were killed and 100 were injured. A second tornado (F3)
touched down from the same thunderstorm cell and ripped through
Catoosa, doing heavy damage and injuring 30 people. Seventy percent
of the businesses in Catoosa were damaged or destroyed. Total
damage was 100 million dollars. (Intellicast)
25 April
- ...1875...New York City received three inches of snow, the
latest measurable snow of record for that location. (David Ludlum)
- ...1898...The temperature at Volcano Springs, CA hit 118 degrees
to establish a U.S. record for the month of April. (The Weather
- ...1910...Chicago, IL was blanketed with 2.5 inches of snow,
and a total of 6.5 inches between the 22nd and the 26th. It was
the latest significant snow of record for the city. (The Weather
- ...1912...Ponca City, OK was struck by an F4 tornado. One
person was killed and 119 homes were damaged or destroyed. Dozens
of oil derricks were flattened or twisted, southwest of town.
The tornado was reportedly visible and audible for 20 miles. (Intellicast)
- ...1920...Atlanta, GA received 1.5 inches of snow, and experienced
their latest freeze of record with a morning low of 32 degrees.
The high of just 39 degrees was only their second daily high colder
than 40 degrees in April. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1984...A late season snowstorm struck the Northern Rockies
and the Northern Plains. The four day storm that ended on the
28th produced some unusually high snowfall totals. The town of
Lead, located in the Black Hills of western South Dakota, was
buried under 67 inches of snow. Red Lodge, located in the mountains
of southern Montana, reported 72 inches of snow. Up to 60 inches
blanketed the mountains of northern Wyoming. This storm was rated
the worst late season storm of record for much of the affected
area. (25th-28th) (Storm Data) (The Weather Channel)
- ...1987...Low pressure off the coast of North Carolina produced
heavy rain flooding creeks in the foothills and the piedmont area,
before moving out to sea. The low pressure system also produced
wind gusts to 50 mph in Virginia. (The National Weather Summary)
(Storm Data)
- ...1988...Thunderstorms racing at 65 mph produced large hail
in Alabama and Georgia. Hail damage in Alabama was estimated at
fifty million dollars, making it their worst weather disaster
since Hurricane Frederick in 1979. Hail three inches in diameter
accompanied a tornado near Valdosta, GA. Hail four and a half
inches in diameter was reported near Fayetteville, Georgia and
2.5 inch diameter hail was reported at Montgomery, AL. (The National
Weather Summary) (Storm Data) (Intellicast)
- ...1989...Thunderstorms developing along a stationary front
produced severe weather from North Carolina to Indiana and Ohio,
with more than 70 reports of large hail and damaging winds. A
strong (F-2) tornado hit Xenia, OH injuring 16 persons and causing
more than a million dollars damage. (The National Weather Summary)
(Storm Data)
- ...1990...Thunderstorms produced severe weather from Texas
to Nebraska. Thunderstorms spawned fifteen tornadoes, including
a powerful (F-4) tornado near Weatherford, TX. Between 3 PM and
8 PM, a storm complex tracking northeastward across central Kansas
spawned four tornadoes along a 119-mile path from Ness to Smith
Center, with the last tornado on the ground for 55 miles. Laughlin
Air Force Base near Del Rio, TX was raked with hail two inches
in diameter, and wind gusts to 112 mph. Nine aircraft and 22 buildings
were damaged on the base. Over 3.5 inches of rain in a few hours
caused serious street flooding in Del Rio. Many streets were closed
and many low water crossings were flooded. Brown County and Commanche
County in Texas were deluged with up to 18 inches of rain, and
flooding caused more than 65 million dollars damage. Two dozen
cities in the north central U.S. reported record high temperatures
for the date. Highs of 87 degrees at Flint, MI and 90 degrees
at Alpena, MI were records for April. (Storm Data) (The National
Weather Summary) (Intellicast)
- ...1996...International Falls, MN recorded 9.6 inches of snow
in a late season snowstorm, bringing the city's seasonal snowfall
to 116.0 inches and breaking the old seasonal snowfall record
of 111.0 inches set in 1992-93. (Intellicast)
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email
© Copyright, 1999, The American Meteorological Society.