Friday, 5 March 1999
lowest temperature on Thursday was XX degrees below zero at XXX,
while the day's high was XX degrees at XXX.
The statewide overnight lowest temperature as of Thursday morning
was XX degrees below zero at XXX. The midafternoon highest temperature
was XX degrees at XXX.
From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas City,
MO and Intellicast
- ...1960...Eastern Massachusetts' greatest March snowstorm
of record began to abate. The storm produced record 24 hour snowfall
totals of 27.2 inches at Blue Hill Observatory, 17.7 inches at
Worcester, and 16.6 inches at Boston. Winds gusted to 70 mph.
(3rd-5th) (The Weather Channel)
- ...1962...A tremendous storm raged along the Atlantic coast.
The great Atlantic storm caused more than 200 million dollars
property damage from Florida to New England. Winds along the Middle
Atlantic Coast reached 70 mph raising forty foot waves, and as
much as 33 inches of snow blanketed the mountains of Virginia.
The Virginia shoreline was rearranged by historic tidal flooding
caused by the combination of the long stretch of strong onshore
winds and the "Spring Tides". (David Ludlum)
- ...1987...A storm in the western U.S. produced heavy rain
and high winds in California. Up to six inches of rain soaked
the San Francisco Bay area in 24 hours, and winds gusted to 100
mph at the Wheeler Ridge Pumping Plant near the Tehachapi Mountains.
(The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1988...While snow blanketed eastern Kansas and northern
Oklahoma, eight cities in North Dakota reported new record high
temperatures for the date. The afternoon high of 61 degrees at
Bismarck, ND was 27 degrees warmer than that at Chanute, KS. (The
National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1989...Thunderstorms produced severe weather in the southeastern
U.S. A strong (F-2) tornado killed one person and injured six
others in Heard County GA. A strong (F-3) tornado injured 23 persons
and caused more than five million dollars damage around Grantville,
GA. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1990...Thunderstorms over eastern Colorado, developing
ahead of a major storm system, produced up to three inches of
small hail around Colorado Springs in the late morning and early
afternoon. Strong thunderstorms swept through southeastern sections
of the Denver area during the evening hours. These strong thunderstorms
also produced up to three inches of small hail, along with wind
gusts to 50 mph, and as much as 2.4 inches of rain. (The National
Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
6 March
- ...1872...A cold wave hit the East Coast sending the mercury
plunging to 8 degrees below zero at Boston. It was the most severe
March cold wave in modern history. (David Ludlum)
- ...1900...A chinook wind blowing down the slopes of the Rockies
through Havre, MT raised the temperature 31 degrees in just three
minutes. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1954...Florida received its greatest modern-day snowfall
of record, with 4.0 inches at the Milton Experimental Station.
Pensacola, FL equaled their 24-hour record with 2.1 inches of
snow. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1962...The Great Atlantic Coast Storm of 1962 destroyed
over $200 million worth of property from Florida to New England.
The storm caused major shoreline erosion from North Carolina to
Long Island. A 3 mile long boardwalk in Ocean City, MD was wiped
out. The storm caused greater alteration of the coastline from
Cape Hatteras, NC northward than any previous storm, including
hurricanes. A new inlet was cut through Hatteras Island and more
than 10 miles of outer banks barrier dunes were obliterated. Winds
of up to 75 mph raised waves to heights of 40 feet. Forty two
inches of snow fell at Big Meadows, located in the mountains of
Virginia -- a state record. (Intellicast)
- ...1984...Heavy rains soaked Florida for 24 hours with rainfall
totals reaching as high as 9 inches at Whigham and 9.55 inches
at Marianna. (Intellicast)
- ...1987...Twenty-eight cities in the north central U.S. reported
record high temperatures for the date. Pickstown, SD was the hot
spot in the nation with a reading of 83 degrees. The high of 71
at Saint Cloud, MN smashed their previous record set in 1983 by
21 degrees. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1988...Wintry weather developed in the Rockies and the
Plateau Region as arctic air swept in from the northwest. Blizzard
conditions in southeast Idaho claimed the lives of two teenagers.
Thunderstorms developed in Utah and Idaho. (The National Weather
Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1990...Colorado's strongest winter storm of the season
moved northeastward across the state producing 50 inches of snow
at Echo Lake, 46.5 inches on Buckhorn Mountain, and 46 inches
near the top of Coal Canyon. Snow fell at the rate of several
inches per hour during the height of the storm, while winds gusted
above 50 mph. A the University of Denver High Altitude Lab, Mount
Evans reported 50 inches of snow in a 24 hour period and winds
gusting up to 40 mph caused whiteout conditions. Several hundred
rush hour commuters, including the state governor, were stranded
in blizzard conditions along Highway 36 between Denver and Boulder.
Drifts up to twelve feet high had to be cleared southeast of Boulder.
(The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data) (Intellicast)
- ...1992...Severe thunderstorms dumped large amounts of hail
over sections of Georgia and Florida. Hail accumulated to a depth
of 6 inches at Marietta, GA. Hail the size of golf balls covered
the ground 3 to 4 inches deep uniformly at Longwood and Altamonte
Springs, FL. Hail damage was extensive with broken windows and
vehicle and roof damage widespread. Total damage in Florida amounted
to 25 million dollars, the most damaging hailstorm in Florida's
history (until 25 March 1992). (Intellicast)
7 March
- ...1717...The "Great Snow", a composite of four
winter storms to hit the eastern U.S. in nine days, finally came
to an end. Snow depths averaged 60 inches following the storm.
Up to four feet of snow fell around Boston, MA, and snow drifts
25 feet high were reported around Dorchester, MA. There was no
traveling or rural church going for 3 weeks. (David Ludlum) (The
Weather Channel)
- ...1932...A severe coastal storm set barometric pressure records
from Virginia to New England. Block Island, RI reported a barometric
pressure reading of 28.20 inches. (David Ludlum)
- ...1987...Forty-five cities in the north central and northeastern
U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date. Huron, SD
hit 80 degrees, and Pickstown, SD reached 81 degrees. Rochester,
MN and Rockford, IL smashed their previous record for the date
by sixteen degrees. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1988...High winds along a sharp cold front ushered snow
and arctic cold into the Central Rocky Mountain Region and the
Northern Plains. Snowfall totals in Utah ranged up to sixteen
inches at Brighton. Winds gusted to 66 mph at Rapid City, SD.
(The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1989...Blustery northwest winds ushered arctic cold into
eastern U.S. Burlington, VT reported a record low of 14 degrees
below zero. Snow and ice over the Carolinas replaced the 80 degree
weather of the previous day. High winds and heavy surf caused
five million dollars damage along the North Carolina coast. (The
National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1990...A major ice storm left much of Iowa under a thick
coat of ice. It was the worst ice storm in at least twenty-five
years for Iowa, perhaps the worst of the century. Up to two inches
of ice coated much of western and central Iowa, with three inches
reported in Crawford County and Carroll County. As much as five
inches of ice was reported on some electrical lines. The ice downed
78 towers in a 17-mile stretch of a high voltage feeder near Boone
costing three electric utilities fifteen million dollars. Damage
to trees was incredible, and clean-up costs alone ran into the
millions. Total damage from the storm was more than fifty million
dollars. (Storm Data)
- ...1996...6.5 inches of snow fell at Boston, MA on this date
to bring its seasonal total to 96.4 inches -- the city's snowiest
winter in 105 years of record keeping. The old record was 96.3
inches set in the 1993-94 winter season. Now all major cities
along this East Coast had broken their seasonal snowfall records
in the 1995-96 winter season. (Intellicast)
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email
© Copyright, 1999, The American Meteorological Society.