To complement the Daily Summary for Wednesday, 10 February 1999

Explanation of Upper Air Observations (In Tabular Form)

When meteorologists mention the "upper air" or "conditions aloft", often they are referring to observations that have been made by an instrument package carried aloft by a weather balloon. This instrument package, which contains an FM radio transmitter, is called a "radiosonde", named for the on-board radio transmitter and for "sonde", meaning messenger. This instrument package - roughly the size of a pint milk carton - permits a nearly continuous observation of the air temperature, the humidity and the air pressure as the radiosonde ascends to a height of approximately 20 kilometers, before the balloon bursts. The design is such that the stream of temperature and humidity information is radioed back to the ground station at specific values of air pressure. Ground based radio direction finders track the motion of the radiosonde so that the wind speed and wind direction at various levels can be determined. The complete information system is a rawinsonde.

Current upper air weather observations are made at approximately 70 stations throughout the country twice daily, at 00Z and 12Z. A list of these upper air stations appear in Appendix IX, D of the User Guide. Thirty two radiosonde stations can be accessed from the Online Weather Homepage under the heading Upper Air Data-Text by selecting the desired upper air station. Once selected, a tabulation of the radiosonde observations for that sounding will appear. Remember that these files are updated on a twice daily basis.


Station Information Block
The lead block includes information for the particular radiosonde launch (time and date) and the station (the 3-letter Federal Aviation Administration identifier, the 5-digit WMO identifier of the World Meteorological Organization, the latitude in degrees, the longitude in degrees and the elevation above mean sea level in meters).


The upper air weather data appearing in the text format can be displayed graphically using a special diagram called a Stüve diagram. A more detailed discussion of the display of the plotted sounding on a Stüve diagram will be described in the Thursday Supplemental Summary.

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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email
© Copyright, 1999, The American Meteorological Society.