To complement the Daily Summary for Monday, 8 February 1999

Explanation of Hourly Surface Weather Observations (In Tabular Form)

The near surface weather conditions across the country are monitored on a nearly continuous basis at several thousand locations as part of a nationwide network operated by the National Weather Service in conjunction with other governmental agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Defense and various state agencies. Many of these weather observation sites are located at airports where the needs of the aviation industry requires a set of weather observations on an hourly or shorter time interval. With the modernization of the National Weather Service, many of the weather observations are made by automatic weather stations called ASOS for Automatic Surface Observation System.

Current hourly weather observations from nearly 1500 stations throughout the country can be accessed from the Online Weather Homepage under the heading State Surface Data-Text. Select the desired state using the appropriate 2 letter postal abbreviation. Once selected, a tabulation of the hourly observations from the state will appear. Remember that all times are listed in UTC or Z time. These files are updated on an hourly basis.



The weather data appearing in the text format can be displayed graphically in the traditional surface map format. The weather data for each hour from the entire country and adjoining portions of Canada and Mexico are collected and plotted upon weather maps. A more detailed discussion of how the weather data are plotted on a surface map will be described in another Supplemental Summary that will appear this week.

Another weather data display option would entail the collection of the hourly weather data from one particular station for a 24 hour interval. Such a display is called a meteorogram. Online Weather produces meteorograms for a selected set of cities.

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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email
© Copyright, 1999, The American Meteorological Society.