Friday, 5 February 1998
lowest temperature on Thursday was XX degrees below zero at XXX,
while the day's highest temperature was at XX degrees at XXX.
The state's overnight lowest temperature on Thursday morning was
XX degrees below zero at XXX and the mid-afternoon highest temperature
in Alaska was XX degrees at XXX.
From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas City,
MO and Intellicast
- ...1887...San Francisco, CA experienced its greatest snowstorm
of record. Nearly four (3.7) inches was reported in downtown San
Francisco, and the western hills of the city received seven inches.
Excited crowds went on a snowball throwing rampage. (David Ludlum)
- ...1986...A supercell thunderstorm tracked through the Tomball
area northwest of Houston, TX and produced 4 tornadoes along with
damaging microburst winds and up to tennis ball size hail. An
F3 tornado killed 2 people, injured 80, and devastated a mobile
home park and the David Wayne Hooks airport. Three hundred aircraft
were either damaged or destroyed. Much of the larger hail was
propelled by 60 to 80 mph winds, resulting in widespread moderate
damage. Total damage from this storm was about 80 million dollars.
- ...1987...Thunderstorms in the Southern Plains Region caused
flooding in parts of south central Texas. Del Rio, TX was soaked
with two inches of rain in two hours prior to sunrise. (The National
Weather Summary)
- ...1988...Cold and snow invaded the southern U.S. Roswell,
NM was buried under 16.5 inches of snow in 24 hours, an all-time
record for that location. Parts of the Central Gulf Coast Region
reported their first significant snow in fifteen years. Strong
winds in Minnesota and the Dakotas produced wind chill readings
as cold as 75 degrees below zero. (The National Weather Summary)
(Storm Data)
A rare snow event occurred in southern Louisiana as 2 to 4 inches
fell from East Baton Rouge Parish to St. Tammany and Washington
Parish. This was the most snow in southern Louisiana since 1973.
- ...1989...Severe cold gripped much of the nation. Thirty cities
reported new record low temperatures for the date. Morning lows
of 9 above at Astoria, OR and 27 below zero at Ely, NV were records
for February. In Alaska, Point Barrow warmed to 24 degrees above
zero, and Nome reached 30 degrees. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1990...For the second time in two days, and the third time
in a week, high winds plagued the northwestern U.S. Winds in Oregon
gusted to 60 mph at Cape Disappointment, and wind gusts in Washington
State reached 67 mph at Bellingham. The first in a series of cold
fronts began to produce heavy snow in the mountains of Washington
and Oregon. Ten inches of snow fell at Timberline, OR. (The National
Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1996...The "great arctic outbreak of '96" began
to wind down, but not before one more frigid morning. Raleigh-Durham,
NC dropped to zero degrees for its coldest February temperature
on record. Lakeland and Orlando, FL recorded subfreezing temperatures
with 24 and 26 degrees, respectively. The temperature of 10 below
zero at Lynchburg, VA tied its all-time record low. Some of the
coldest temperatures in 20 years for southern New England were
experienced. Shrewsbury, MA recorded 23 below and Willimantic,
CT fell to 22 below. (Intellicast)
6 February
- ...1807...It was the famous "Cold Friday" in the
Midwest and South. The temperature did not rise above zero in
Ohio and Kentucky. (David Ludlum)
- ...1856...A lee shore snowburst at Oswego, NY on Lake Ontario
dropped an estimated 6 feet of snow. (Intellicast)
- ...1978...A massive nor'easter buried the cities of the northeastern
U.S. Storm totals included 18 inches at New York City, 16 inches
at Philadelphia, and 14 inches at Baltimore. The Boston, MA area
received 25 to 30 inches in "The Great New England Blizzard
of '78", and the mayor outlawed travel in the city for an
entire week. By the time the storm ended late on the 7th, Boston
had 27.1 inches of new snow to set an all-time single storm snowfall
record. Up to 50 inches fell in northern Rhode Island. A tremendous
east-northeasterly gradient was set up as the low (984 millibars)
bucked up against an enormous 1052 millibar high to the north.
Winds gusted to 92 mph at Chatham, MA. East facing coastal sections
were devastated by 4 successive high tides. The 14 foot tide recorded
at Portland, ME was perhaps the highest this century. Seventy
five people were killed and total damage was 500 million dollars.
(David Ludlum) (Intellicast)
- ...1987...Brownsville, TX was deluged with seven inches of
rain in just two hours, and flooding in some parts of the city
was worse than that caused by Hurricane Beulah in 1967. (The National
Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1989... Much of the western half of the country was in
the midst of one of the most severe arctic outbreaks of the century.
Temperatures in the Yukon of western Canada were comparable to
those prior to the arctic blasts of December 1983, and winds above
100 mph ushered the bitterly cold air into western Montana. Forty-one
cities in the western U.S. reported new record low temperatures
for the date. Lows of 30 degrees below zero at Ely, NV and 33
degrees below at Richfield, UT were all-time records for those
locations. Morning lows of 31 degrees at San Francisco, CA and
-15 degrees at Reno, NV were records for February. Logan Canyon,
UT was the cold spot in the nation with a low of 54 degrees below
zero, and Craig, CO hit 51 degrees below zero. (The National Weather
Summary) (Intellicast)
- ...1990...A second cold front brought more heavy snow to the
high elevations of Oregon, with 12 inches reported at Sunset Summit.
Ten inches of snow blanketed Crater Lake and Mount Bachelor. Heavy
snow also blanketed northeastern Nevada and parts of Washington
State. In Nevada, up to a foot of snow was reported between Spring
Creek and Lamoille. Stevens Pass, WA received 14 inches of snow
in 24 hours. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
7 February
- ...1861...The temperature at Gouverneur, NY dropped 70 degrees
in one day from 30 degrees above zero to 40 degrees below zero.
Two days later the mercury hit 55 degrees. (David Ludlum)
Hanover, NH plunged plummeted 69 degrees from 37 degrees at 1
PM on the 7th to 32 degrees below zero at 7 AM on the 8th, and
West Cummington, MA plummeted 80 degrees to 32 degrees below zero.
Boston, MA plunged from 46 degrees to 14 below, and on the 11th
was back up to 60 degrees. (7th-8th) (The Weather Channel)
- ...1920...A great 4 day snow and sleet storm came to an end
over New England and southeastern New York. Accumulations of 15
to 20 inches of ice, sleet, and snow were common, stalling traffic
for weeks. (Intellicast)
- ...1978...The worst winter storm of record struck coastal
New England. The storm produced 27.5 inches of snow at Boston,
and nearly 50 inches in northeastern Rhode Island. The fourteen
foot tide at Portland, ME was probably the highest of the century.
Winds gusted to 79 mph at Boston, and reached 92 mph at Chatham,
MA. A hurricane size surf caused 75 deaths and 500 million dollars
damage. (David Ludlum)
- ...1987...Low pressure in Manitoba, Canada, pulled warm air
up from the Gulf of Mexico, and more than forty cities in the
north central U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date,
including North Platte, NE and Rapid City, SD with readings of
73 degrees. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1988...Twenty-two cities in the eastern U.S. reported record
low temperatures for the date, including Binghamton, NY with a
reading of 5 degrees below zero. For the second time in 3 days,
significant snow fell in southern Louisiana, with 1 to 4 inches
of snow falling south of a Deridder - Morgan City line, and three
inches reported at Cameron. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm
Data) (Intellicast)
- ...1989...Twenty-five cities in the western U.S. reported
record low temperatures for the date. Lows of 16 at Las Vegas,
NV, 26 at Bakersfield, CA, -29 degrees at Milford, UT, and -16
degrees at Reno, NV were February records. The low of 43 degrees
below zero at Boca, CA was a state record for the month of February.
In Utah, lows of -32 degrees at Bryce Canyon, -27 degrees at Delta,
-29 degrees at Dugway, and -38 degrees at Vernal were all-time
records for those locations. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1990...A slow moving cold front spread heavy snow across
the state of Utah. Storm totals ranged up to 31 inches at Alta,
with 24 inches at reported Brighton and 23 inches at Snowbird.
Bitter cold weather prevailed across Alaska for the thirteenth
day in a row, with morning lows of -42 degrees at Fairbanks, -48
degrees at Nenana, and -54 degrees at Bettles. Anchorage, AK reported
a record low of 23 degrees below zero. (The National Weather Summary)
(Storm Data)
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email
© Copyright, 1999, The American Meteorological Society.