REPHRASE portions of 1st paragraph depending upon current
wx conditions;
CHECK most recent winter fatality statistics in 2nd paragraph.
Has winter really ended? The answer depends upon whom you ask. Most of us would say yes, since the popular definition of winter ended at the spring equinox nearly one month ago. A climatologist would say that winter would have ended at the end of February. However, late season storms moving into the West may still carry winter-like characteristics as heavy snows have fallen across the Sierras and the Rockies within the last week.
A winter storm is a widespread set of weather conditions with winter-type precipitation - snow, ice pellets or freezing rain - often accompanied by strong winds and cold temperatures. They may form any time from late autumn through spring and affect, not just the northern states, but everywhere from the West to the Gulf Coast. They can range from a minor annoyance to the "Storm of the Century" that paralyzed the Gulf and East Coast in March 1993. In 1996, 143 deaths were attributed to winter weather (73 snow and blizzards, 11 ice storms, 59 cold-related deaths), not including the many indirect traffic fatalities.
Low pressure systems in the cooler season of the year may include precipitation that can fall as snow, often heavy, that is accompanied by high winds and wind-chill equivalent temperatures cold enough to be life-threatening. The winds and falling or blowing snow may produce blizzards with poor visibility. Hazards range from roof collapses to transportation gridlock. Slightly warmer temperature patterns may bring rain that freezes after contacting cold surfaces (freezing rain or drizzle). The build-up of ice during freezing rain can paralyze impacted areas for days from loss of power, communications disruptions and blocked roadways.
For a description of the terminology used in the official statements issued by the National Weather Service to inform the public of adverse winter weather conditions, please read the Tuesday optional electronic Supplemental Summary Information .
To be submitted on the lines for Tuesday on the Study Guide, Part B, Applications, Week 10 Chapter Progress Response Form, under section B. Daily Summary.