Wednesday, 4 July 2007
This Online Daily Weather Summary contains Historical Weather Events for this date. The latest weather information on the Online Weather Studies homepage will continue to be updated. We are suggesting that persons looking for an alternative national weather summary might try: (USA Today)
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- Midpoint of calendar year occurs today.
From the files of the Aviation Weather Center, Kansas City, MO and Intellicast
- ...1833...An unusually large New England tornado, one half to three quarters of a mile wide, went from Salem Pond to Norton Pond, VT, and then into Canada. It "prostrated" nearly everything in its path. (The Weather Channel)
- ...1843...An alligator reportedly fell from the sky onto Anson Street in Charleston, SC during a thunderstorm. (David Ludlum)
- ...1966...The temperature at Philadelphia, PA soared to 104 degrees (Intellicast).
- ...1987...Thunderstorms in Colorado produced hail as large as golf balls northwest of Kiowa, which accumulated to a depth of twelve inches. Hail two and a half inches in diameter was reported at Black Forest. Hail damaged 900 acres of crops south of the town of Wiggins. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
- ...1988...Twenty-six cities in the eastern U.S. reported record low temperatures for the date. The morning low of 47 degrees at Roanoke, VA broke the July record set the previous day. (The National Weather Summary)
- ...1989...Thunderstorms produced severe weather in the south central U.S., with 158 reports of large hail and damaging winds through the day. Evening thunderstorms in northeastern Texas produced softball size hail which caused more than five million dollars damage at Allen, and wind gusts to 90 mph at Dallas, which injured eight persons and caused seven million dollars damage. Winnfield, LA reported 29.52 inches of rain in six days, for a total of 62.50 inches for the first six months of the year. Midland, TX reported an all-time record high of 112 degrees. (Storm Data) (The National Weather Summary)
- ...An unusual storm near Rich Valley, IN covered a twenty square foot area with eight inches of snow. The snow was surrounded by hail. (David Ludlum)
- ...1992...A cold July day as Saranac Lake, NY dropped to 30 degrees, East Haven, VT to 29 degrees, and West Charleston, VT to 30 degrees. (Intellicast)
- ...1994...Heavy rains from the remains of Tropical Storm Alberto produced major flooding across northern and central Georgia. Three-day rains exceeded 15 inches at Atlanta and 21.10 inches at Americus. Numerous road closures and bridge washouts. Thirty people were killed and 50,000 were forced from their homes, as 800,000 acres were flooded. Total damage exceeded $750 million. (Intellicast)
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Prepared by Edward J. Hopkins, Ph.D., email
© Copyright, 2008, The American Meteorological Society.